Thursday, 23 February 2012

Lent day two

I don't do New Years resolutions but I do try to do Lent,

So, got back on Monday and I have been DOING constantly, not useful tick-off-my-list stuff but I've been spending time with friends etc, all very essential. It just so happens that Lent has given me the perfect opportunity to change my ways, and kind of have my very own new years.

So Shrove tuesday I didnt actually have pancakes, fail I know. you see I was going to make them for breakfast, perfect, but then dad said he was going to make them later, so I never made them, then I just pottered about and went for a bit of a social call.

Wednesday, I got a fab new hair cut, I went to see my friend in class who studying hairdressing at college and helped her get a few assesments ticked off while being pampered for a few hours with head massagey hair washing and cutting and layering and cutting some more. She did a super job and I got an amazing new hair style, AND tips on how to style it dead easily for a small donation towards materials. Seriously go and check out a hair college near you (I went to Blackpool and the Fylde college), I've always been like, ugh, I don't know what to do with my hair... so I pretty much gave her free reign to cut away

So while having my 'do' done, I was contemplating and discussing what to give up for lent... drum roll please.......

I am giving up Crisps and Alcohol. and taking up Pilates.

So far so good.

feeling very refreshed x

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