Saturday, 20 August 2011

Pedagogy is a funny word / I am a geek.

Super geek alert!

Little sis sent me out some things this week, I have never been as happy, although she did send me the wrong top ( :-( ) She also sent me chocolate (always appreciated) a weird Panda thing to make and one of my uni books, Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Frier.

I was supposed to read it at the start of last term, so I'm a little late in discovering the really interesting (but hard to read) work of Mr Frier, I'd heard of his theories from lecture so bits of it ring familiar to me. The thing is, once you have read (and reread) a chapter its like 'DING!' ohhh yeah!

I think it's the first chapter which is about the oppressed beating oppression and their oppressors and it talks about violence. So I start thinking about Libya and Egypt and their uprising and Iraq and things, the book says that the oppressed never start violence, that it all comes from the oppressors somewhere down the line. It also says that to be Unoppressed, the oppressed must not oppress their oppressors (see why its a bit hard to follow, this isnt just the way i speak) and other people who aren't oppressed cant facilitate/lead their freedom (that make sense?) so for instance, you could say, Iraq, the argument that the army was going in the help the people who were being oppressed and shat on by their 'Government' is bull, and that the people in Iraq just became oppressed by us rather that Saddam Hussain and his cronies.

And another chapter, his one on education and oppression, It's like, exactly how I think! He compares two methods of teaching, Banking and Dialogical (may have the titles wrong there) basically that most school and teaching is like churning out kids from a sausage factory, you fill them up with facts with no meaning or discovery behind them, Dialogue is more about enquiry and two way learning between class and teacher and learning things because they interest you.

What a frikkin geek I am, I'm so glad she sent it out though, Kudos to you sis. you know when you start to feel like your brain is starting to melt a little bit from not exercising it enough? well I've woken it up.


Thursday, 18 August 2011

An Ode to my phone (rest in pieces, Bertie)

They say you were only a phone, but you were much more than that, you were my camera, my phone book, my address book and my access to the internet, my method of contact to the outside world, my Photo album of places, people and memories. 

Oh phone, why did you have to dive into the sea? was I not good enough for you.....

Ok, so really not sad enough to write a poem about my phone, but good god, I am severely gutted about it. But I guess it's just shown me a little bit of how much we rely on technology, this little sliver of a phone to run and organise our lives. 

And how stupid of me not to back things up to my Sim or the computer..... argh! 

Aside from that things are going well here. I've finally had a bit of rest from my marathon of long days and nights working and babysitting, I think there will be more in a few days, which is good for my purse. I had a day off on Tuesday which was ace, I went to Almyros (?) beach just outside of Agios Nikoloas and we (Aimee and I) spent hours soo chilled out on the sunbeds listening to the music coming from the bar and the normal beachy noises of the sea and people chatting. Not been that chilled out for a very long time. 

I was in a rotten mood when I got home from work yesterday, I had to nap for almost two hours to try and shift myself out of it, then I did some cleaning, which made me feel much better. 

although, I'm definitely not as cleaning crazy as I was! I don't know whether it's the lack of spare time or just me growing up and moving on a bit, I'm not dirty or anything but I'm far more laid back about the state of the apartment. It's good. refreshing. 

So have I already blogged about my plans for this winter? 

I have been offered peak weeks of ski season, so I think , when I get home in November I'm going to spend some time at home, then I'm going to Italy (of the other way round) for a while, then home, Then wendy's for Christmas, and stay with her in between working in the snow until next May. plan? I think so, it could all change though. 

Ahh, I miss home, family and my friends. Millions. Specially right now while I feel run down. I cant wait to go for the pub quiz and walk along the front and see the illuminations and see how Blackpool has changed and how Theo and the rest of the clan have grown. we are definatly at the halfway point now, something like 10 weeks to go. 

I know I haven't done a more philosophical mumbly Blog in a while, I hope I get chance to soon. 

Loves x 

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


I know, would you belive it, 3 blogs in the space of four days. Crazy eh?

I realised I forgot to tell you about this little Greek girl we had visit us for the week. she was so cool, proper sassy and didnt speak a word of english. by the end of the week or so she was with us she was dying to spend as much time with us as possible and barely gave us any greek lip. Although she did scare Ricky one day, he pushed me over (i was sat on the floor) and she jumped up, stood in front of my with her arms crossed and waggled her finger at him while hissing OCHI! (no) hahaha :-) hilarious. On her last day she had even picked up some of our sayings and kept saying WOOOOOW. hence why I've dedicated this post to her.

So yesterday was my day off, of course that means Monday night was mine and Alisha's usual trip down to Agios, we got a bit messy, mixed are drinks in a very very unhealthy way and spent the day after recovering with pizza, frappe and a spot of sunbathing.

Turns out I also sent some more drunken texts and demanded that the italian stallion tells me exactly how much he likes me and that he'd better not hurt me (there was a hint of violence in the way I wrote it) and have now upset him. Whats a girl to do?

so yes, I've also burnt a massive circle off my leg by getting to close to the exhaust of a motor bike and I have the worlds worst cold.

right on cue, the baby is gurgling and threatening to wake.

Love you all x

Monday, 8 August 2011

I'd like to give the world a blog, and furnish it with thoughts....

with ponderings and mutterings, of philosophy and love..... :-)

So yesterday I was in a bad mood, it happens to us all sometimes, It happens to me about once a week. I usually get homesick on a Sunday, ring my mum and then I'm fine for another week. This week it was Tashie's birthday and it's also Megan (darling neice of mine)'s birthday tommorow. I'm gutted to miss either, so both sucks ass, big time.

I haven't spoken to my mum or dad or the rest of the clan, I'm making a point, trying to anyway. You know where I am, You know I miss you all. Pick up the phone.

Things are going well out here, it's peak season and it feels like we have 20 thousand children. in reality we dont have any where near that but they create enough havoc, noise and stress for it to feel that way. We had 10 French children in all (including babies) and they just seem to be a little bit feral. Lovely, but a teensy bit mad. One good thing is we have babysitting jobs coming out of our ears so we can earn some pocket money.

The riot's happening in London this weekend are crazy, I'm watching the news right now. Is it true that it started because a boy was shot? and the prime minister is living it up in Italy... crazy. I only found out because  they sell the Sun in the hotel, not that I read it mind, I came online and had a look. I feel really quite cut off from the world at the moment, not having telly or the papers. did you know it's like 4 euro for the international times? I dont even read the Times but I nearly bought it the other day until i saw the price.

I miss work. That's not sad right? I do, I miss the young people, I miss the banter, My team, working toward something... I'm not ungrateful, don't get me wrong, I love being out here and having the opportunity to spend such a long time in a beautiful setting and with great people, we've even met a couple of famous people, the latest being John Hannah from Four weddings and a funeral/ the rock/ cold case/ the co-op adverts. that was pretty cool and we've had some really decent kids in that we've grown attached to, I had a couple of kids tell me they love me, then parents that want to take me home, one kid wouldn't wear sun cream unless we put it on for him and not his mum.

my veiw right now is beautiful, I'm sat outside on the balcony at the apartment where I'm babysitting two gorgeous 6 month old twins and I can see right across the bay to Spinalonga and the sun is just behind the mountains making a big sillouette

So in other news...

I have found a new hobby, creating beautiful one off art work in the form of fax cover sheets

I have been pencilled in to work in the teen club in Cyprus next year, snorkelling, climbing, biking, all sorts, frikkin amazing!

I drove the other day. not at all legally, or particularly well

I love that you've read this blog and hopefully aren't asleep yet. :-)

Be good x

Sunday, 7 August 2011

A quick rant.

I don't want to play games. 

Someone says that want you more than the world, that they cant stop thinking about you and has never felt the same about anyone in their life. As soon as I start to feel the same, guess what happens! That's right, lonely Fi. 

Fucking 'Tard. Thats what I am. never mind, chin up and move on. or maybe I'm thinking too much.