Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Found this, a caricature of me, done almost 5 years ago!
I'm coming home early :-)

Dont worry, I haven't been fired, lost my job, or quit, I just got the opportunity to come home, So I am, YAY and I am soooo excited. 

So Instead of 5 weeks to go I have 8 days left before I can see my beautiful friends and family...

for 2 days. 

And then, I'm off working in Marbella for 3 weeks! ah! I'll be working as a creche assistant in this AMAZING hotel which even has a golf course. Beyond happy at the moment. 

So it's gonna be a whirlwind visit home, infact, I'll be spending more time travelling than anything else. 

I realised I've not written much about being here, apart from complaining. 

I have had a good time, a stressful time for the most but, it's been good. 

some of my favourite memories include spending time with Alisha, Aimee and the girls from Diosce cove and getting up to mischief on nights out. I regularly frequent the bar, as in dancing on it, and on a couple of occasions, thrown up on myself. 

I loved going to our favourite resturant, the Ferryman Taverna, I always got that feeling of relief when I sat down and started smelling and seeing the food that was loaded onto our table. 

The beach has been my second home, I've learnt to sit still and sunbathe and I manage just about, to swim in the sea, if I cant see the fish. 

I've not lost any weight, if i have, I've put it straight back on with my huge plates of Tsatziki and pitta, My hair has gone a bit ginger, from where I dyed it red and the suns bleached it. 

Cant wait to make some more friends and memories in Marb's.

Love you x 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

It's raining!

Never Ever been as excited to see and feel rain in my life. after 4 months of baking hot heat (which has been incredible, dont get me wrong) it feels amazing!

Me and 'Lisha are wWalking round Agios with massive grins on our face while everyone runs for cover.

Although my tan had better not start fading...

 Just thought I'd share that :-)

Friday, 16 September 2011

Seven weeks to go and seven things I've learnt

One of my first posts on here was counting down the days til my departure to Crete. that feels like absolute years ago, it was only like 17 weeks in reality.

So... I wonder whether people will think I've changed when I get back? for sure I have chilled out a bit, I've met lots of interesting people, and some not so interesting, I've got a great tan, I have a job lined up for next summer and I have a winter full of loose plans and lots of opportunity. I'm pretty excited.

I have had quite a few days off recently, mainly because we didn't get much chance when it was busy, It's been quiet (mainly because I spent all my money about 4 days after pay day) but nice to just chill out, catch some sun and read a few books and think about the future. 

Ioannis, the caretaker at our apartments says that I should become a teacher, travel around Greece and then settle in a white washed villa somewhere with a nice Greek man. sounds good, aside from the teaching bit. I could never do formal teaching in a school, I have respect for people who do and wish anyone who wants to in the future the best of luck, I've met student teachers who are buzzing full of ideas and passion for teaching and then as soon as they hit placement, boom, it's gone and you see them realise what they actually have to do, It's all about the curriculum and exams and health and safety and being PC without any adventure or exploring of what interests kids. 

Youth work is like teaching though, my dearest mother taught me brilliantly and helped me discover at a young age that everyone is a teacher and our schooling isn't just 9 til 3; 5 days a week. we're learning alllll the time. Like, when I was doing my sexual health training the lady told us that she's taught people who have been married for 30 odd years how to put condoms on properly and they've not known all the facts and things that they should be passing on. Did you know that Ejaculation happens at a speed of around 30 MPH? (appx 48 KPH)

So some things that I've learnt over these last 4 months

  • I need a hobby. seriously, I need to discover a talent or something, you can't just work all the time (or in my case, work, go out, work, go out, sunbathe) the people I've met not just recently, they're all so damned talented and interesting, who knows, I could make a good photographer, dancer or artist, whatever, I've just never really tried.
  • I know what I want to do for the most part of my life. sorted. But just because I know doesn't mean I have to do it now. or continuously.
  • I am twenty two. Although at times I feel older and I have my moments when I act more mature, I'm still pretty young, I have a lot of life to live.
  • We should all learn to use the delete button on our facebook 'friends' list. Oh and don't feel the need to add everyone you've ever met.
  • When you meet someone, you don't need to know every single thing about them, and they don't need to know every thing about you either. getting to know people isn't a race.
  • I am not pretty. Stop there, don't be thinking I have self esteem issues,It's not necessarily a bad thing, I'm just not, but if I make a bit of effort I can look half decent and a smile and a laugh goes a long way.
  • Blow your own trumpet, no one else will do it for you. If you can't spot a few good things about yourself then others wont even bother looking. I.e. I am good at writing. I may be good at fiction writing, I don't know, but I love writing my Blog. 

Love you.Fi  x

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Some people think I'm bonkers, but I just think I'm Fi!

So now I'm on an 8 week countdown til I fly home. I cant frikkin wait!

I didnt think I'd get homesick, I've missed different people at different times and I've missed decent food and my bed etc but now I am full on excited to be coming home, as in, I want these two months to go quicker than quick!

  1. Ring Tashie and persuade her to pick me up from the station and give her a huge hug and present.
  2. Hug my family and my cats!
  3. Run round and see my nan, pick up fish and chips on the way and enjoy a nice proper cup of tea 
  4. Sleep in MY OWN BED! in a hoodie and job pants
  5. spend the best part of the next week wearing as much white as possible to show off my tan
  6. See as many people as possible.
  7. Go to the pub, the cinema, town, watch telly and try on all of my winter clothes (whilst showing off as much tan as possible)
  8. Cook!! ahhh I cant wait!
  9. See the neice and nephews! ahhh!
oh my. I'd best stop that, I'll get too excited then realise I have far too long before that can happen.

It's dead quiet now in Kids club, in fact today we've had one child in. it's set to be like this for the rest of the season til we get home now. a bitof bad news though, the manager is now leaving at the end of september, pfft. I may have to push her over and steal her passport. it'll be ok though.

More bad news aswel, Nana Flo isn't very well. she's not sick, just in a bit of pain and having loads of tests.

Talk soon my loves x