Wednesday, 25 January 2012

13 days till the snow!

The countdown! 

So I've been and got a jacket, I've got some boots, gloves, a million hats my passport, all I need now is some new thermals my bus ticket.... and to find out where I'll be going. woo! Soo... I've never tried skiing before, but I could be awesome, orrrrr, i could be shite. either way I'm going and I'm pretty excited. Free flights, free ski pass and hire, most of the day in the snow entertaining some kids? deal. 


Have I managed to get out of bed at a reasonable time? No, Have I had any job offers/interveiws? No, am I bored, frustrated and off my rocker from not working? Fuck Yes. 

Cocktails in teapots??! madness..

But I did make my own sweet potato and lentil pate. yum.

x Fi

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