Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Brooding at Breakfast.....

I feel lonely. Super lonely.

I know I’m with some great people out here and I’m not actually alone but I feel a bit like I’ve lost everyone I knew.
I know I’m far away from home and it costs a bit to ring and text to Crete and I could do the same but with the exception of a  few people I’ve not had any messages or ‘miss you’s’ or even ‘how are you getting on out there’. Maybe I’m just being a bit too sensitive but it’s my blog and I’ll write what I want.
I’m having another think about my future, I’m enjoying being away (aside from some bits of it i’ve already moaned about) and I think I want to carry on after this season is done. 

Do I really need to go to uni? I enjoy it and that, but I enjoy this and could do this for years and be in exotic countries and sunshine all year round. Sounds pretty idyllic even though the work is hard. I think maybe that’s what I am really like; a bit of a nomad (is that the right term?) I love to travel and I love to be in different places, I get bored easily and I’m not scared of travelling on my own.  Is that my future?

I have worked pretty hard and waited a long time to go to university, but it’s not cracking up to be all I expected really. I like doing theories and research and things but it’s not like we spend a long time doing them, I expected long, intelligent debates and lectures. Maybe that’s to come. I’m not struggling or doing a bad job, I more than scrape though with my essays and presentations.

I don’t frikkin know.

I’m just a bit lonely. 

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