Tuesday, 26 July 2011

It's too frikkin hot and I just had to pick the meat out of a plate of carbonara for lunch

Need I say more?

Thats right, I feel ratty this afternoon. 

It's not been a too bad couple of days, I got given star of the week at work (not that i've received said star yet) I've had take out nearly every night and I've had a couple of nice phone calls with family, friends and the stallion (yes, he's still about, but not stalking me now, I've got quite used to him)

Sunday though, I had the biggest feeling of dread ever, I got off the bus and I just felt like I NEEDED to speak to my big brother, like something had happened? you know? well, he was fine, and it was nice to chat, but I still felt full of dread. spooky, so in the end I've run up my phone bill alot and spoken to my mum and dad and little sis, big sis, brother, Tashie, Lukey, Nana, Their all fine so far. I hate this feeling. I'm not superstitious or anything but something feels wrong.

The new girls are supposed to be flying out on Thursday thank god, so my day off is is sniffing distance, I only had one a week ago I know... I wont moan again.

Here is the latest Blog from work......

"And then there were four…

As well as mourning the loss of our dearly beloved Amy Wino this week, here at Domus we have lost four staff in as many weeks and gained one stressed out northern lass.

As we wait with baited breath the arrival of both our new staff and a day off (poor Hannah hasn’t had one yet) we shall tell you a little of whats been going down in our little shed, formally known as kids club.

One of our favourite activities of late has been our impromptu water fights, AKA, soak Ricky and Fiona, lead and encouraged by the new girl, more than once Fiona has endured a fate not dissimilar to Waterboarding, all in order to cheer up a little girl called Blossom (that’s an actual name!) and the whole hotel has (not) enjoyed seeing the team walking round resort like drowned rats in near see through uniform. Who ever thought up an all white uniform for child care staff has obviously never worked with/ seen children before! As well as allowing the world a glimpse of our smalls we have various splodges, splashes and patches of paint, glitter (and food in some cases) all over us. So much for washable paint!

Although we are down by three members of staff, still without a fridge and decent food and getting through a 10 litre bottle of water per day it’s soo hot, Morale is good and the kids are fab.

Ricky confuses the hell out of us by preffering the awkward/ more violent kids and Alyona is like the Pied Piper of Russian speaking children who wont come in unless she’s there.

This week we have decided to start STROP WATCH and boy have we had some corkers…

One of Rickys favourite children absolutely hates being told to apologise or that he’s wrong and on several occasions has chosen to curl up and fall asleep instead of thinking about what he’s done and apologise…

Hannah after hearing theres a taxi strike (leaving us to walk home from Agios);

“Ricky, you are a moron, I said I wasn’t walking, you can carry my frikkin rucksack”

“Is it time for another beer stop yet?” (The walk home from Agios turning into a pub crawl)

Ricky after whinging all the way home about his missing bank card;

‘Oh for F**k sake, I just stepped in a F**king puddle”

“stop f**king laughing at me you witches” (Hannah and I nearly weed/ couldn’t breathe or walk from laughing so much)
We’ve been trying to spend a bit more time with the Diosce girls of late, usually culminating on a crazy ass night out which involve Ice cream breaks, Bicycles and washing machines…

In other news,
Fiona is being teased daily for her name sake, Princess Fiona of Shrek fame.

The fit chef that Ricky and Fi creep on has moved to new apartments meaning that there is now 11:3o rush for a seat on the balcony as he walks past and also no more morning visits from him to use the washing machine L

The weather is frikkin hot and we all smell highly unattractive from constant sweating, not as bad though as one baby that has been in and had the sweatiest and smelliest hair EVER known to man kind. When asked why she thought the baby smelt so much Hannah replied with this little gem… ‘Well they’re one holiday”

Ricky and Hannah are turning in to slight alcoholics and wait with crossed fingers to see if the bar is open when we arrive home from work. For those of you crazy enough to want to come visit us, beware of Ioannis’s cocktail making skills and only commit to buying one if you 1; know the recipe and 2 have a day off the next morning. Ioannis is, what you would call more than generous with the vodka and doesn’t seem to have any system of measuring quantities of alcohol unless you ask for half a glass of pint of.

All of us are missing different things from home, so if any of you have any spare time, please please please send us supplies of…

A sofa
Crunchy peanut butter
A Handsome man

Most importantly is the Marmite (newbies take note) and the handsome man (paul put this on your requirements list when interviewing please)

Everyone’s favourite job, KMS is proving… challenging but the good news is that our last booking is for the start of September, early home time everyone?

Fiona is the current star of the week, unsurprisingly really as she works so hard and always has a smile on her face (she also writes the blogs…) she was disappointed though that the impressive title didn’t come with a pay rise and is still waiting on a glittery god star badge as promised by Hannah.

So that’s all for now, I am striking from Blog writing until our last blog is on here to accompany this. If it isn’t up soon I may even have to stop creating fancy fax sheets to go with our excellent feedback forms.
That’s all. 

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Can you only get lonely if you've loved?...

Dont worry, I'm not sad again, It's just a bit of a question that's been going round my head, I am a bit lonely but that's another story.

So the reason for this title is because I fancy writing a book, kindof a far out, hair brained idea of mine, I'm no literary genius but I'd love to give it a go. I was babysitting yesterday and one of the girls showed me a book, I think it was called the saddest king, It was a beautiful book and all about how it's ok to be sad sometimes. I'd like to write books like that, maybe just one even that can help a kid learn, wether they have a really privaledged life or are at the lowest of lows. I remember reading Jaqueline wilson as a kid, and she really... not opened my eyes but... explained things that I could see or hear about? does that make sense? Like when she wrote stories about bullying, it wasn't just, 'so and so got bullied, told a teacher and it was fine', she wrote, 'This is her life and what goes on, this is what other people think of it and here's how she feels'

I remember I wrote to Ms Wilson once, she was and still is kindof my hero, I wrote her a poem asking her to come to tea, which she never did, But she did send a handwritten Postcard back apologising that it was a bit too far to come for tea but thank you so much for writing and reading the books. I remember, I was soo happy when I got that, you know what it's like when your a kid, it's like no one listens to you or hears you. I was amazed, I found it again the other month when I was packing up my room. ahh that was a trip down memory lane, the things I found, the things I threw out :-s

I found stuff like birthday cards from my 16th birthday, 6 years ago! and I found my old scrapbook from when I just moved to Blackpool, I'll have to put more in that. It has photos of when I visited my friends and parties and about my new home and the last few times I had in stortford... [sighs] I found cards from, family, drawings from my nephews and neice, cards from friends and cards from people who I now realise never were my friends, all valid and valuable memories that I will never lose, even if i've recycled the cards and shredded some letters.

I'm on my day off, again, they're the only days I really get to sit a do anything on here. my last day off was Friday but I was poorer than poor and ended up waiting in for our new manager. She's all right, as far as descriptions go, she's a northerner (yorkshire) which reminds me of home, she's sarcastic (like me) which reminds me of my old team and she's kindof brightened up the place and boosted us all a bit, which is good!

so since my last post.... not alot has happened, just more rediculous expectations from the hotel we work in, a bit of babysitting, my phone was cut off, I've been bit about 12 times and I've been swimming everyday, wether it's at work or in the sea. I love swimming but it's a good job i'm not bothered about my hair, it's being dried up like ready salted crisps.

There was a big celebration in Blackpool last night with my old team and the young people we used to work with, I'm so gutted I couldn't be there but I rang and spoke to as many people as I could.

Right, well, Sasha the beautiful chef (he is a man, but russian, apparently sasha is short for Alexander, huh) has taken his washing and given me my daily dose of creeping so now, I shall venture in to Agios, get some food and go get some groceries.

Love you lots. x

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

long lost Blog

We swum in the sea at midnight last night. (when I say last night I mean one night last week) It was pretty cool, I don’t mean cold, cos it wasn’t really. I just came in from babysitting and was just about falling asleep on my feet when Cornell, the new groom came down and invited us all swimming, nut job that I am, said yeah ok and went and got changed even though just two minutes before I’d been ready for my bed.

It was pretty cool, the sea does funny things to my head and makes me dizzy, bizarre but I love it. I was floating for ages to watching the stars, would have been a lovely opportunity for some philosophical reflecting etc etc if it hadn’t had been for the splashing and squealing. Ahh but it was good fun.

I had a day off on Wednesday aswell, it was lovely, I slept in til just before noon and took a walk into town, had a beautiful salad and aubergines and spoke to lil sis and then went on the tinterweb to send some emails and things. When I got home I sat by the pool reading my book until I got so frustrated from wanting to dive in that I had to walk to the beach and I stayed and swum for a good two hours.

Nat came home from work and we accidentally went out, we originally only planned to go to the cash machine in Agios (we have to walk 30 mins for our money.... cash machines are meant to be convienient!) but on the way we thumbed a lift for a joke off of one of the bar men from Alexandro’s. So because we go there so quick we thought we’d hang around a bit, went round by the lake and took some photos and then ended up in...... Aquarius as usual. The others came to join us and Nat, Stacie and I didn’t get in til gone half 3. So that’s why I was almost dead to the world last night, 15 hours on 4 hours sleep, not a good move! 

so this weekend brought on more partying (on very little money) and alot less sleep, so much so that sunday after my fab day out I had 16 hours sleep! 

sunday was our last day off together as a team, Jenna is leaving this weekend and now the club is open seven days a week 10 am til 9pm so we have to go by a rota. so for our last outing together we decided to go to see Spinalonga, an island just off the coast of Crete which among other things was used as home to a leper colony. it's all very interesting and was great to finally get round it, to appreciate it though, I think you should read a book called the Island by Victoria Hislop, it's based on the true history of the island, and it's really interesting. I highly recommend both the book and the island. 

then we got home, absolutely shattered (me and lish' had 2 hours sleep) and were planning to collapse into bed when we decided to go and find some watersports. woop! 

so we went to the Mirabello beach and meet Alex the water sports guy and first we go on the Sofa, which is pulled around by the boat on a rope and you have to hang on to these straps or else you'll fall off. it's was so much fun, we were bumpiong into each other, sliding half off the float and bouncing in the air. 

but no, that was not enough, we decide to go on a brand new one that they had just blown up, called the flying fish, along the same sort of lines except you lie flat on your stomach and again get pulled along while getting a face full of water after each turn and your whole body flipping about while holding on for dear life. this time we came off about 6 times each and even fell off before he'd started the boat up. 

then, not even that was enough, Lisha had to go to work but jenna and I, took one look at eachother and just said, Yeah, and proceeded to go on the jet ski aswell. 

Awesome day. loved it, loved it. 

anyway, it's about 40+ degrees here and I have a massive hill to climb before i get my bus. 

Hope you're well

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Neglecting my blog is a bad thing to do....

I miss you blog, I really frikkin do.

I wrote a bit of a blog the other night at home and here it is....

Sorry my love’s for not writing too often. I’ve been busy but bored and wanting to write all the time, but I never have my laptop with me, and there’s barely anywhere I can get on the net to post.
Forgive me?
Here’s some of the things I wanted so desperately to tell you!
People standing in the sea. Really bizarre creatures, I’ve never seen it anywhere aside from where I work, It must be a five star resort thing. People will get up on their 2 hourly break of sun bathing/baking, occasionally put their bikini tops back on and just stride out into the sea to just under waist height and do NOTHING. They just stand. Sometimes they do it in groups. Just stand there, they don’t even seem to look at the scenery. They’re like amphibious robots. They aren't even in any depths for me to suspect they are going for a sneaky wee.

You should NOT scrape the puss off your tonsils when you have tonsillitis. Apparently anyway, makes it worse? I went to the hospital on Tuesday, after feeling drunk and dead simultaneously at work, so there i go, get pointed in several different directions at once and mumbled at in Greek (probably something like, bloody foreigners)  then I found my way to the fourth floor and after more grumbling came across this stunning man called Dr Stefanis. A cross between George Clooney (in the fact that he is a doctor and salt and pepper hair, much like the good doctor George in ER) and House. I went in, sat on the bed and he peered into my puss lined throat and confirmed my suspicions, ‘Yes, tonsillitis, come over here and let me take your data’ [ooh, hello doctor...]
So there I go, and he takes my name and date of birth from my passport and he explains the prescription he’s writing me, while making very inappropriate eye contact [i didn’t mind] and on the way to the door, mid conversation he steps onto the scale and asks me to ‘hold on’ a minute while he see’s how much he weighs. Then he does this little shrug and tells me to come back soon so he can check me out again. Bad English on his part? Hmm, maybe.

So work is still ridiculous, I pretty much hate it here. I don’t regret much in life, after all you cant change whats already happened can you? But I do quite regret leaving my job, or maybe coming here? I don’t regret going away, that part is good, It’s just everything is so rubbish. But I should stop complaining really. It wont get me any where, although, if we get another check in call from the London office I’m actually going to be so honest they wont know what’s hit them. We’re all so run down, everyone’s been ill, now I’ve got my tonsillitis, we’re not eating properly, were spending money we don’t have on weekly food shops that we cant keep fresh. Hmph.

Today I got a parcel and letters through the post today, they actually made my month, I love hearing from home even if it's just that the flowers are blooming and the cats are sunbathing alot on my bed (thanks mum :-) ) it's actually really nice. I know facebook is alot easier and quicker, as is blogging, but it's so nice to get a letter. And I finally have some mix to make up some veggie burgers too, yay! food!

Also David has posted a video of the boys on facebook for me to see, oh I nearly cried, the beautiful things.

So now i'm off to babsit for a couple of hours, it'll be ok, I can sit out on the balcony and write on here hopefully and then catch the bus at 11pm, fingers crossed, there's been a taxi strike today so if I miss the bus I don't what chance I have of getting home. We'll see eh?

Love to you x and thanks for reading.