Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Dear me, A letter to my 16 year old self....

Ok, so,

I've been getting more than my regular fix of magazines of late, you know the sort, the ones you really despise for talking about bikini diets and detox diets and diets that aren't diets and bargain 'capsule' wardrobes that only cost £600 for 3 outfits...

god I love them.

Anyway, back on point.

From time to time they do have quite interesting articles in and in this month's edition there was an article about a new edition of the 'Dear me' book, a collection of letters from celebrities, they had written them to their 16 year old selves, looking back to how things were, brought together by a guy called Joseph Galliano and to help their adolescent self look forward to what will come. (see more about it Dear Me website)

I thought I'd have a go.

me at 16. Dear me....


This is bizarre, I'm trying to write this and I'm not too sure how to address things, as you, me, I, us... just bear with me (or us). I'm writing from the future, at the fine age of 22 3/4.

As I write this, I'm on the way to see Wendy, I've been back in the country for about 3 weeks now and it's almost as weird as the fact that I'm writing to myself. You may have guessed by the fact that I'm going visiting, you will reconnect and actually get on with her, plus she has two beautiful children who call you Aunty Nona.

David also has two wonderful kids. He will also need quite a bit of support, sometimes it'll feel like he's only in contact when he needs something, but be patient.

In a couple of years, you'll give Amanda the sex talk. you'll be brutally honest, I think it does good. she's getting on well.

but back to you, now, you're sixteen and the next two years are gonna be tough, but I'm not going to give everything away, because we've all seen those movies where they change the past and the future f**ks up. plus, who knows how I'll have turned out otherwise!

16 is a good age in general, you'll go to college, those people that interview you, yes, they seem a bit rude, but soon they will realise that you're not a drop out, or a bad student and you don't have a disability. you have a job right now, and you've just done a project which will lead you onto bigger things. Have fun with it, Live Action Role Play eh? running round the woods making up magical stories and characters and mucking about? awesome! you'll also learn to love the outdoors and then you'll find a different kind of love.

That doesn't work out, you will get hurt. know that, but also remember, you are caring, kind and passionate.

This year you will discover your true calling, that is the one true thing that a certain person will tell you when you meet, that you will make a good youth worker. Trust me, you'll love it. 

at 18 you make a decision, a tough one to live with and it will always be with you. shortly after, you will travel for the first time, gosh, if I could ask you to do one thing though, when you take off for the first time, please please please don't scream. you're not going to die, obviously and it really scares people.

If I could give you one more heads up for the near future, it would be to remember who loves you, your family and your friends, you don't need to search for it.eventually you will find love, romantic love, for now, just be patient, respect yourself, you don't need a guy to make you feel worthy or special. We are just fine.  

Take care,

Me, You, Us x

What would you write? 

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