Friday, 11 March 2011


Thursday's done, a blast from the past, dancing in Flares and falling on my ass. :-)

Hello, reader(s) and myself.

It's friday, and here I am sat blogging and watching the telly in my pyjamas, it's a good life really, when you pretend that life is just there, where you are sat, self involved and blissfully ignorant.

There has been alot of hurt in the world today. The great Tsunami in Japan, The war in Afghan, The unrest in Libya. How often do we actually stop and think about everything that happens outside of our own map? When I say we, I mean myself. I'm not writing to preach to people after all. 

It was Shrove Tuesday this week (The assistant at the print shop called it Saint Pancakes Day) the beginning of Lent, traditionally people would fast for 40 days and 40 nights, not eat rich foods such as butter and eggs, to remember the fasting that Jesus did in the desert (again, i'm not preaching to you) so these days people give things up for lent, others also try to pick up a good habit or hobby. Last year, I managed to give up crips. it was hard work but I was soo proud (I'm actually an addict) This year i'm off the crips again but I want to make two more good habits,

To make an effort to do that one good deed a day that we should all be doing, and

To think more. I understand a bit more actually thanks to this blogging business, what they hark on about at Uni and work. We should all reflect on life and log it. actively question ourselves and our actions and reactions to what is happening around us.

If only everyone in the world did this eh! Imagine if right at that point where someone is so emotionally charged, angy or hurt that they will do anything to pass that negativity onto someone else, by rape, murder, war, stealing, or bad mouthing and being mean, they stopped and just thought, well actually, if i do this, i'm still probably going to feel this way, why should I make people feel it too?

The Tsunami, like the one four years ago, is a natural disaster, no one is mindlessly deciding to damage a country, millions of peoples lives and businesses.

I am angry about Libya. I am actually angry in general. I beleive in fair democracy, why the hell should a countries 'leader' dictate a country? why, why does he not take the hint that a vast majority of his country does not like his leadership and the way he does business?! I am genuinly proud of Egypt. It sounds so silly to be proud of a country I know little about and have little affiliation with aside from a couple of holidays. They did so well, I dont agree with every aspect of how they protested, i.e. people being hurt and killed, but those that did die whilst protesting for a fairer country for themselves, their families and the future of their home are all heroes in my eyes.

And yet, in such a 'civilised' country as Britain, people complain about things, but do nothing under the pretence that they 'dont do politics'. Politics is not something to be liked, it's not somthing to befriend or 'do'. Politics is just another way of describing the every day business of life. In my eyes that is why politicians are called politicians, because their business, their job is to help run britains business.

This has turned into a political, ethical type rant. So I shall stop with that now but for one last point. Politics, the business of life, is like watching your bank account, checking facebook and chatting with your neighbours. it's trying to make sense of and having an opinion on what is going on around you. My invisible and non existing audience, who I picture in my head as I write this, standing at the bus stop, sat in the pub, whistling on the way to work or school. Take a frickin' interest why dont you?

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