Coincidentally, I write this on a, so far, accident free day.
So for as long as I can remember I have built up a catalog of little accidents, mishaps, calamities and f**k ups. I don't know why, I just always have been a little bit prone to both minor injuries and making a tit out of myself.
and at the grand age of 22, I'm getting a little bit bored of it.
I've created a list of little accidents that have happened since I flew to better climates in May
- The first day of work, I slipped down the steps in the pool and had bruised shins for three weeks.
- I also had a swollen right foot for a few weeks too. un explained but frikkin painful.
- I cut and scraped my leg climbing a tree on more than one occasion.
- cut open my knee climbing up a wall.
- I have a third degree burn-scar on my right inside ankle from burning on the exhaust of a motor bike.
- I slipped down some steps when I got out of the shower one day. my foot swelled up and my little tow went purple, couldnt really walk either...
- I bruised and scraped my knees and shins climbing some rocks...
- I always bashed my head off the window on the bus, just trying to see that little bit further...
- Bought some new flip flops after breaking three pairs, and slipped over in them about 6 times in one week.
- I had a fight with a sun lounger and bashed my nose in.
- last week I headbutted the roof of the minibus when I got in on the way to babysit
- three nights ago I stepped into the van and slipped straight out again. (of the van that is, oversharing/exposure is another one of my many faults, but it didnt happen this time)
- last night I was over gesticulating and bashed my Elbow off the door in the van again. It wasn't even a good story.
And that's just when I'm SOBER!
I think I'm still feeling that Gangly stage, you know the one we all get when we're a teenager and your body parts grow at different speeds. I remember being about 14 and my legs being massively out of proportion to the rest of me, in length that is, I just didn't know what to do with myself. I wasn't leggy like you'd describe say.... 'ooh that leggy blonde' but I did feel like my legs didn't stop til my armpits. I'm in a better proportion now, well at least the rest of me has grown outwards, but I'm still walking around and bumping into things and tripping over, like the 14 year old gangly geek I was.
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