Bit of an awkward moment there.....
A parent of one of the children I'm babysitting just noticed that I'm on Blogger while I sit outside and wait for them to leave and asked 'so what do you write about?'
well..... so now he probably thinks I Blog/ bitch about the people I work for.... hmm, awkward.
Dearest stallion discovered my site also, recently.
when people discover you Blog, they always seem to want to know what you're saying about them.
Not that I write about anyone in particular, and if I do, I don't to put names or write anything detrimental.
So now I'm really getting into it, and people are reading it, I only have 10 *followers* I know there are people who check in regularly and read what's going on in my world. I like that people read it, but I like that it's personal, and separate. I'd rather people read it, than me explain or tell them what it's about. it's not a secret, but I write it because it's easier to write out some of your crazy than let it slip into conversation.
I hope my writing is a bit of everything, it's just me, chirpy and light hearted most of the time but with a layer of deep thought and hope and wanting with the occasional slice of nuttiness thrown in for good measure.
So, dearest reader, How do I tell people to read it without sounding grumpy, rude or that I'm trying to boost my view count?
That's what's on my mind. read it, enjoy it/ don't, make conversation about it, comment. your will is your own, my blog is for reading.
Lots of Love
Me x
Ha ha! I struggle with this too. :) What has worked best for me is to say, "It's (this url); feel free to check it out if you feel like it." Gives them the freedom of choice to read it or not and you're not asking anything of them in that moment. I hope you find the way that feels best for you! :)
Thanks Lisa... I may try that :-)
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