Saturday, 21 May 2011

Hello my doves
Or should I say, YASSASS!
I arrived in Crete on Wednesday about 11:30 native time. (we’re two hours ahead) after a marathon of being awake about 37 hours.
I’ve been back at my new home, which I shall tell you about shortly, for about 3 hours, me and some of the girls went food shopping after our first day.
So I arrived in Heraklion, courtesy of sleasyjet with Alesha, staciie, Natalie and Sinead and we’re greeted by two taxi drivers who took us to two nice shiny BMW’s. Now I don’t know if you’ve experienced the way the Greek drive, I must say, they are pretty bloody crazy!  We had people driving on the hard shoulder, we were mounted the central line thing for half of the journey, playing chicken with oncoming traffic to overtake people, all the while watching the little shrines on the side of the road fly by (they build a little shrine on the site of where there has been a fatal crash)
When we got to the apartment (Alesha and Sinead had left us by this time, they’re working elsewhere)  we were greeted by Jenna, our new manager for the season and she showed us our apartments. I cant say they are in any way Luxury, except for the army of dogs and cats that are living on the streets. But after a sweep and unpacking my clothes my room was looking alright.
Later Fran and Ricky arrived from work (Fran’s my room mate) and we went out for mezze in Agios Nikoloas, a beautiful looking place, cant wait to adventure round. The food was pretty good too, in true Grecian style they just kept bringing things out and we ended up taking three dish’s worth back with us.
So today was nice, it was lovely and sunny for the most part of the morning and we spent most of our time rearranging, cutting, sticking and decorating the rooms which are our kids club and crèche and a lovely lady from Sweden came along with her two boys for us to look after for the morning.
Lunch was nice, but there were no knives so the others had to eat their pork chops cavemen style.
So since then, we went shopping, Ricky helped me steal a fridge from another apartment to go in mine, I bleached everywhere, had tea with Ricky and Jenna and here I am now, writing this in bed, with some chocolate and crisps and peanuts. I don’t have internet at my apartment sooo, This will have been posted from the giant reception at work when I get chance.
The hotel: Is lovely, ridiculously posh, very quiet and exciting, I cant wait to have the grand tour of the villas!
I have to just tell you, my last day in England was pretty much a disaster, here’s how it went in brief
-          Woke up about half 8 to get stuff ready and finish my essay
-          12:30 essay finished, did a little dance
-          12:35 get washed and dressed and go into town for last minute items
-          13:00 go to print said essay in my old work.
-          Went to get cash out for euro’s.oops!  Spent too much and have less than half what I thought i did.
-          Got bus home (driver short changed me)
-          The next 4 hours...(cried) Tried to retrieve essay, methods included downloading programmes off the internet, Amanda ringing every geek in her phone book, emailing the corrupt file to some guy in new Zealand. No hope. Start again
-          (oh btw, I ordered a cardigan that was meant to arrive on this day, so i could take it with me. Didn’t come)
-          18:30 said goodbye to my Tashie L
-          20:00 got on the train (Helen from work got on too and we chatted)
-          01:00 arrive at Gatwick and spend the next 3 and a half hours writing my essay and drinking too much coffee that is safe for anyone that time of the morning.
So there we go, my Tuesday in a nutshell.
Good night all, don’t let the mossies bite.
And they didn’t! Woop!

Day 2 at apartment 12, Lidra apartments, Crete.
Just got in, not been any where exactly except hanging around on our balconies. Fran did some fire poi and I tried normal poi and nearly knocked myself out. Then we just sat and chatted and had a bit of a laugh talking about things I won’t mention on here. It took a bit of explaining to some of the others so I can’t imagine trying to explain it over the internet to mum and Amanda.
I snooped about the apartments today, joining yestersays fridge is a washing line and a half rake which i’m using as a prop. Nearly died getting the washing line.
Today I have been climbing about, I don’t know what’s got into me, I’m not tired, I’m happy, I’m not picking at food (good job too, the food in the ‘canteen’ is disgusting) and I’m full of energy. I have climbed trees, walls, balconies, chairs, ladders, all sorts. Brrrrrrrilliant.
Tomorow, (or today if I find a cafe with internet) I am going to take a stroll down to Ag Nik (agios nikolos) and have a nosey round, i need to find a bank, and buy a phone but the phones wont be ready til Monday.

I’m quite sleepy now, today was good but dead quiet. I showed some people round the club though and finally remembered some English words. J
Love to you all. 

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