Tuesday, 10 May 2011

My mind is complicated...

There are few people in the world that can sleep more than me. it's actually true, aside from those with medical conditions, I am a champion sleeper.

I hear alot of people who don't sleep when their nervous, or excited or stressed or have a million and one things to do, but me, I just sleep through it all.

Shut eye, 40 winks, old lady naps, boodles, catching Z's, crash, nod off, whatever you call it, I can actually sleep any time, and in most places. (trains, under tables, halfway up the stairs, the bath, with my head hanging off the bed....)

I dont mean to make people jealous of my astonishing ability to shut all out and sleep solidly, I just think it's interesting.
One thing that does interrupt my sleep is quiet in the morning. If I sleep away from home, like on holiday or round a friends I always wake and notice just how quiet it is. or if I'm at home, I have often woken up when the house is empty, because it is just too quiet. weird eh? Nieces and nephews, car alarms, alarm clocks, arguments etc etc, I sleep through them all as background noise, but silence kills me.

I'm one of those people who has to have music while i study too. mainly classical though, nothing that I would want to sing too, but i need a low humming of an orchestra or acoustic singer to keep my mind on point.

whilst studying in the library the other evening, we were practicing a presentation and one of the girls passed comment on how I can listen, type notes on other topics and respond all at the same time, I actually dont know how I do it, to anyone who has spent any time with me, I have quite a short attention span, so I have no idea how I do this feat.

It was always the same at work, I could always email, and have two conversations at once while thinking about another task.

A bit random I know, but I've just been thinking about it a bit.

more later...

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