Friday, 6 May 2011

Searching for that dress (among other things)

I want to know if I am the only one that can go through EVERY single clothes shop in town try on in EVERY shop and still not find a dress suitable?

That is what I have done today. I am irritable and my feet ache and I still have no dress. 

Shop number one, I nearly bought a simple black bodycon vest dress, but I chickened out because it was a tad short. I'm not very adventurous you see. 

Shop number three, I tried on this one shouldered green number, but I couldn't find/afford shoes to go with it. 

Shop number five I felt mocked at the fact that they had the exact number of ZERO dresses in my size, not even the one's I didn't like. 

Which brings me onto the topic of shop assistants. They scare me. I am not the type to be intimidated but put me in a shop, trying to find clothes and I am at my most vulnerable. In that situation EVERYONE is staring at me and judging me.  It's pretty ridiculous. I actually don't mind what people think about me. The shop assistants walking round as working mannequins willing people to copy them, the school girls just been let out and ready to spend their pocket money on the smallest clothes ever, and not to mention the ridicule of looking for your size at the very back of the rail, let alone having to ask for it. take ToSho for instance the other week...

I found this fab Tee that had a slogan along the lines of 'frankie says relax' but it was in Small, Medium and Large. When asked what size a medium is, the shop assistant (a stick thin man this time) looked puzzled when snorted in disbelief at his answer. 'A medium is about a size 10 and Large is a 12' (british sizes) 


How ridiculous!? 

(Dear clothing stores, shop assistants and manufacturers, this is how you make me feel.)

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