Wednesday, 21 December 2011

3031 veiws! yeah baby!

Ducking hell, I cant believe how many people read this!

Now just before you start rolling your eyes, I'm not doing this to be popular/get as many veiws as possible or become famous etc etc, I just write my blog because... I do. But yay!

I wrote My first Post in February of this year, so thats, what, almost 10 months ago, in some ways, I've grown in those ten months, in some ways I'm still the same. It also means I've been single for 10 months, as when I started blogging, I'd made alot of big decisions, decided to quit my job, to work abroad, to put an end to my long term relationship, to find myself again (as cheesy as that sounds) and to live more.

so now I'm making decisions again.

I just wanted to Thank YOU for reading my blog so far, and by YOU I mean family, friends, fellow bloggers and those people who have stumbled across my blog while searching for things like....

Honest to god, these are how some people have come across day dreams from feef, I dont know wehter that says more about my writing, or how random people are...

Love you lots,

New posts coming soon :-D

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Quiche me quick!

Yum, just made some pastry ready for mini quiche's ala BS and home made meat (and fake meat) pies for our tea.

I've spent alot of the morning salivating over a new pair of boots, which I NEEEED, well I dont. and the only time I would buy would be if I get a ski job over the Feb holidays. here they are..... YUM

and then, still dreaming of my wellies, I painted three sets of nails, M's, L's and my own, Mine and M's match, and L's has probably come off by now. I think I now know why men dont really wear nail varnish. I'll put money on the fact that men would love to have sparkly different coloured nails, but they just dont have the patience for them to dry!

Poor things. I think BS thinks I'm a bit vain, I've painted my nails nearly every day. I think wearing a uniform (yes, i know it's only black trousers and white top) does that to me, ack, I cant be doing with it, I need my induviduality, so therefore, I change my teeny tiny stumpy nails. (which I HAVE to stop biting)

Also.... I keep ageing myself prematurely, by that I dont mean painting wrinkles on my face and wearing granny clothes (debatable sometimes actually) but I keep on thinking I'm older than I am, aside from when I'm with the kiddies, in which case I run around like a 12 year old on speed. sometimes I'm like, oooooh god I'm gettin old, I should grow and start being serious, then other times I am a complete child/teenager and dont want to do F all.

I'm still debating what to do this year, Cyprus with the kids club, Charity volunteering abroad or stay in the UK and find a proper job??  hmph.

Annnnnnnyway, back to dinner, oh and I'm going to have to try my hand at making Vanilla and Black pepper ice cream, I tried it once, wow, love it. BS isnt liking the sound of it, but It'll be lovely :-D

Ciao x

Monday, 19 December 2011

playdough, micheal buble, chocolate brioche, blue hands....

and THAT is all before 12 o clock :-)

Frikkin Micheal buble, my future husband, is amazing, although he is blatantly settled in his relationship now, you can see it in his puffy cheeks. damn her! (the wife that is)

We were supposed to watch it last night, but yet again, I fell asleep by stupid o'clock (i.e. half 9!)

I keep telling L and M that it's their uncle michael, Oh dear, that's a little obsessive isnt it....

my other obsession which has become apparent of late, is hats. I've always liked them.... but the cold weather is the perrrrrfect excuse to wear (and buy) them. it could be worse I guess, I could be obsessed with handbags, or shoes, which I love too, but their more expensive AND they take up loads more space. I think it started last year with a little sequinned beret which I got for christmas, but i do have a weird little collection, a straw hat from Gambia which my friend brought back for me, a pint of guiness, i've had a fair few trilby's, ski hats (though i'm yet to go skiing, damnit) bobble hats, those hats with the ear flaps....

Any way, with all the fun i'm having, the one bad thing about Grantham is that there seem to be a missing vital ingredient to any town, good looking men.

Helloooooo? where the frik are you all hiding?

Saturday, 17 December 2011

7 days to go!

What a fab day I've had today (Saturday) :-)

Firstly, oh my, very much appreciated being woken up after a lie in, with a lovely hot mug of tea, Thankyou very much BS!

Today we went on a road trip, BS had an accident in her car the other day, nearly flipped in over after sliding on some black ice, she wasn't hurt thank god but wrote her car off and has been super stressed with dealing with the insurance and sorting out a car for work. So today we went to find a new car, done deal. very proud of her bargaining techniques also! money off, new tyres, promises of a full valet and touch up on the paint work, get in there!

We also went for a bit of shopping I totally shouldn't go shopping anymore. i'm an addict. and had a macdonalds, I got a new hat (pictures above) and a teeshirt, and then little bits of fun for L and M's xmas. I also accidentally bought some dolmades (stuffed vine leaves) and baklava (pastries with honey and nuts) off the christmas market.

And now, the kids are on their way to bed, I dont have work and BS and I are going to stuff ourselves full of chocolate cake, do a bit of tidying up and watch a film/do the wii.

(in reality, both me and BS had cake, a whole big chunk of brie and crackers between us as fell asleep watching the Kings Speech before 10pm, hardcore!)

Friday, 16 December 2011

9 more sleeps till christmas!

I thought I'd share this with you :-)

As well as finding novelty christmas videos, blogging and watching cartoons with the little man, there's lots more to do....
I've got stories to write and illustrate (ooh that sounds proffessional!)

Presents to buy and wrap,

a job to find (for the new year)

and I want to organise some overseas volunteering stuff for 2012.

Ooh and I've been set a challenge for xmas day, I've to decorate the table and make napkin swans, easy enough, I've got the swan thing down to a T, I just need to find a way of keeping them stood up when I make them with the cloth napkins, lots of starch I think. I've also learnt some triangle pyramiddy ones and some crown shaped ones too.

Simple things please simple minds, as they say.

Also thankyou for reading this, I had 18 veiws of my pleading message since I wrote it last night, so now I need   less than a hundred and I've reached my goal of 3000!

And after my 3000th view I shall do a superly special blog post.

Watch this space :-)

Thursday, 15 December 2011

A quick note....

OK, so there's one thing I want to achieve before the new year.

I started my blog in February of this year, and I'd reaaaaally like to reach 3000 views on my blog.

So, I will write every day before the new year, that's 18 posts, if YOU read every post that I write each day then that is 18 veiws, I need 119, so ten people is all I need!


Love children, couldn't eat a whole one though

The above statement is almost entirely true. I do very much love most children, but I couldn't even eat a tiny bit of one, that would be both disgusting and cruel.

I am loving spending so much time with L and M (my neice and nephew) and big sis. it's lovely, I'm part of their routine at the moment. Each morning, me and BS are usually bombarded with the kids at about half 6, then somehow breakfast gets made, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I take M to school and L goes with BS to nursery, then I pick him up again at 1 and we chill out till BS brings M home from school and usually theres a mad rush for dinner before I go to work. Thursday and Friday it's been just me and the little dude, usually making a mess, sticking, playing cars and generally getting into trouble. Tommorow for instance is Duvet and DVD day.

Did I tell you I got a job? I'm back to waitressing, which I haven't done since I was 18 and working in the pub. It's hard work, very physical, running back and fore with plates piled up or lined up 3 along your arm at once... I've been there since the week I came here, whats that, three weeks now? gosh, time fly's! It's going ok, I've not f**ked up too much, and i'm getting into the swing of things. I have to keep telling myself to keep thinking of the money.

So back to the kids, They are super super cute, and clever and funny. for the most part I think they like having me around, although me and the boy don't get on until past 10am, I don't know what it is, he just doesn't like me until then, though once you've got your head around it, it works out OK.

BS keeps trying to hire me out as a children's entertainer or something, (I say keeps, she's mentioned it like twice) The kids think I'm nuts, dancing and singing and skipping to school, poor little mites, a trip to or from school is not just a trip to and from school with Aunty 'nona, it's a language lesson, dance party, treasure hunt olympic games, singalong extravenganza!

It's awesome to be around kids at christmas time too, we had a super time the other night putting all the decorations up

We've been for breakfast with santa and his raindeer,

fed the ducks,

and I've watched exquisite performances of two plays,

Children of the world

and, Whoops a daisy angel.

Merry Christmas! (almost)

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

I went to the UN once...

I don't mean to gloat or anything, but I frikkin love my bucket list, not just because I'm thinking and researching things I want to experience but I'm looking at other people's lists and thinking, I actually have had quite a privaledged life.

One of the coolest places I've been is the Palace of Nations, home of the United Nations office in Geneva. oh my days,

So excited

This Giant broken chair symbolises the damage caused by minefields and was originally erected during the signing of the Ottowa treaty, aimed at eradicating all minefields and preventing the use of land mines.

Me in the room where they drafted the United Nations Convention of Rights to the  Child

It was an interesting tour, I would have liked to stay longer and take my time, absorb more of the info and things, still, mebbe I can go again some day, for work?

Friday, 2 December 2011

A bucket list, of sorts

I just found a website that hosts bucket lists.

I've never thought of doing one before, I'm always making to do lists, in fact I used to have a book of them on my desk at work to tick off during the day (or move onto the next day's sheet, which is what usually happened)

you can also look at other people's lists too, for inspiration.

In preparation of writing my list of things to do before I kick the bucket, I want to look at some of the exciting things I've done already, which I forget about so often.

See the Pyramids and tombs in Egypt.

 I went with my Nan to Giza for the pyramids, The first glimpse we saw of them were through a gap in the shops and houses (one of which was a pizza hut !), We went for a camel ride too, which took us quite near them, but it was an unbeatable veiw to be stood at the foot of the biggest one, looking up at to the point, their so impressive. Then the next year I saw the valley of the kings and went down into some of the tombs with the most amazing hyroglyphs.

Ride in a Hot Air Balloon

I did this in Egypt too, with Andy, this is when he proposed. The trip was magical, we got up at 5am and travelled by boat across the Nile in the dark and then in a mini bus to a clearing where 5 or 6 balloons were being inflated at once, by the time we got in the air the sun was just peeking over the hills and lit up the valley of the kings, we floated over fields, animals, and even houses where the people were sleeping on the roof and then we landed in a corn field and had a little party with music and dancing. it was lovely.

Perform in the Royal Albert Hall.

My big sister and I actually did this, I must have been about 5 and Wendy would have been 10, we were in the girls brigade and took part in a drill routine (like marching). Mum has a picture of us somewhere, taken while we were performing, theres me stood with the others, the only one with my long white socks, one pulled up to my knee and the other bunched around my ankle. 

Go Mountain biking, on an actual mountain

Greece 2008 with the Duke of Edinburgh group. A MAZE ING. Changed my life. 

Mount Parnithia, Evia Island, the acropolis, A whistling village....

Learn a Language.

Now I'm not saying I'm good but last year I completed my level one certificate in British sign Language.

Sex outdoors.

The things people have put on their lists are a bit more specific than just outdoors, but my mum reads this so I wont elaborate too much. although I will say, contrary to popular belief it's not actually illegal in the UK until someone complains.

Break the Law.

No, it wasn't by being caught doing the above ^
It was to do with driving, and I didn't get caught. 

Go Paragliding

Portugal 2009! I thought we'd go hurtling through the air but it is what it says, gliding, ah it's fab. 

Get a piercing

I did get a piercing, which wasn't my ears, but I took it out because a certain person didn't like it. Doh.


There's so much more I want to do;

Get a tattoo, one that means something, one just for shits and giggles.

Bungee Jump

Have a book published

Finish my degree

See the Northern Lights

Learn a language, properly, fluent

volunteer abroad

Better get going then...